Index > Q&A > RF IC[2.4GHz] > A7130 > Q1: 4Mbps switch to 2Mbps
Q1: 4Mbps switch to 2Mbps

1. When power on initial RF, please do cal first.

2. When switching to 2Mbps, please modify to the following 7 registers.
const Uint8 code A7130_2Mbps_Config[]=
0x5F, //DATARATECLOCK register,
0xAE, //TX1 register,
0x1D, //RXGAIN3 register,
0xC7, //RXGAIN4 register,
0x20, //IFCAL1 register,
0x9C, //VCO Modulation delay register,
0x37, //Channel select register,

3. When switching to 4Mbps, please revert to the following 7 registers.
const Uint8 code A7130_4Mbps_Config[]=
0x9F, //DATARATECLOCK register,
0xAF, //TX1 register,
0x3D, //RXGAIN3 register,
0xE7, //RXGAIN4 register,
0x60, //IFCAL1 register,
0xDC, //VCO Modulation delay register,
0x77, //Channel select register,